
General information

Accessibility of the website

The accessibility has as its ultimate goal to make available websites and their content to a more extensive number of navigators, including especially the disabled, people with certain cognitive users with hardware equipment (such as hand-held computers) or software not updated (as outdated browser versions). The web is a powerful communication tool that offers opportunities that other means could never provide: the websites accessibility should always be given the highest importance. Precisely for this reason there is an organization dedicated to the management and control of all that relates to the internet: the W3C or the World Wide Web Consortium (the Consortium for the worldwide web). This organization is then responsible for the regulation of programming languages ​​(html, css, xml, xhtml, etc..), Defining a common standard that the developer should follow. The categories concerned are: - People with physical-motor, and incapable of being able to properly use the keyboard - People with vision problems that can be difficult to select or see certain colors - Elderly people - People who do not have a hardware / software of the new generation.